Have you got an idea that will connect our community?
Our Town Ceduna/FarWest is granting small amounts of money for local projects that aim to connect people.
These grants give you a chance to bring to life an idea that connects people in the community.
Community members who receive grants will get support from the Our Town Ceduna/FarWest team. We are there to learn alongside you, and help you bring your idea to life.
Ideas need to be connecting parts of the community that are not currently connected.
Some key details
In Ceduna/FarWest, we are going to try out the idea of community granting with grants of up to $5,000. We want to see if this works, and learn alongside our community.
*They are for community members/ groups. They cannot be given to businesses.
How do I apply?
These community grants don’t come with paperwork and lengthy acquittals. They are based on trust and learning together.
If you have an idea that aligns with the principles we created with community (below), make a time for a coffee and yarn. We will help you shape up your idea and see if it aligns.
If you have questions about the Ceduna/Far West Community Grants feel free to email or call the Our Town Ceduna/Far West Team.
Our Town Ceduna/Far West Community Grants
The idea template asks you to tell us about your idea and answer some key questions. No worries if you don't have all the answers yet, the next step is a chat with the community grants team where we can tease out the details together.